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Jewelry Gold Bracelet is Golden Luxury
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Image by epSos.de
Free picture about the beautiful gold bracelets in the jewelry shop of Singapore. This free image can be used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of epSos.de as the original author of this picture. The image was created and used for this article of epSos.de first: epsos.de/10-Facts-about-the-value-and-price-of-gold jewelry

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Jewellery is the art of making jewels and, more broadly, the ornaments highlighting gems , the precious stones , ornamental stones and pearls , using frames for precious metals such as the gold jewelry , the money the platinum or the palladium .

In ancient Greece, the flow was delivered production beads , which gave the form of shells, flowers and beetles. Interesting is the fact that the beads were made by connecting two flat plates of gold jewelry, and between them filled white sand. The 300th century BC. e. Greeks began to make colorful jewelry using emeralds , garnets , amethysts and pearls . They also worked masterpieces of stone, glass and glaze. At this time become popular for jewelry, such as engraved brooches , medallions of Indian sardonic .

The main products produced have the form of jeweler rings , rings , necklaces , tiaras , earrings , brooches , cuff links, medals, pendants and piercings . The creativity and constant search often brings a large number of new products at other times could not imagine finding in the world of jewelry, such as bags, belts, shoes and bra bright .
A piece of jewelry is any piece made of fine materials for decoration itself.

The golden bracelet is made ​​of flexible materials such as chain links made ​​of metal, beads, shells, gemstones, horn, bone, animal teeth, or of cloth, silk, leather, rubber or plastic bands. The golden bracelet however, consists of hard materials such as metal and has an annular or semi-annular. A golden bracelet is a ring of metal or other material to use as decoration. You will generally put on the wrist , but there are models made ​​for the ankles .

The golden bracelet also served as a protective shield on the wrist of the hunter and warrior and as a protection against sword blows. For the Celts, male warriors wore silver bracelets as a sign of their nobility, and as an expression of their power.

The cuff golden bracelet differs by being more ornate than common golden bracelet, since it usually takes embedded gemstones. Also tends to be used above the wrist, or in some cases as a very large ring. Because of the symbolism with which they are named as usually accompanies friendship bracelets or friendship bracelets.

The age of the golden bracelet is similar to the ring if not superior because specimens found in the mummies of ancient Egypt and in European prehistoric graves of Bronze Age and there is often depicted in the reliefs of characters from the old Empire Assyrian . The oldest date back to the Neolithic , these being shaped pieces of perforated shells.

Gold Jewelry (Latin Aurum , chemical element symbol Au ) is chemically resistant, very well thermally and electrically conductive , but relatively soft precious metal yellow. Since ancient times was used for the production of decorative objects and jewelry and as a monetary guarantee the issuance of banknotes. At present, is an important material in electronics, where it is prized its excellent electrical conductivity and resistance to corrosion . It occurs especially pure.

A special case involves the dissolution of gold jewelry in elemental mercury . As early medieval alchemists knew that the gold jewelry contacts of the mercury easily created a special solution of gold jewelry in mercury amalgam . Amalgam yet remains liquid even at relatively high contents of gold jewelry. Amalgam by heating to a temperature above 300 ° C, the mercury evaporates, leaving just pure gold jewelry.

Gold Jewelry is extremely durable and resistant to weather and chemical resistant. Strength and hardness of gold jewelry may be improved by adding other metals. Gold Jewelry-plated plastic sheet have excellent light reluctance and thermal (infrared) rays. Gold Jewelry leaf can protect against leakage of body heat (such as in obstetrics or in extreme weather conditions).

It is used primarily in the manufacture of jewelry in the form of alloys with silver , copper , zinc , palladium or nickel ). The actual pure gold jewelry is too soft and jewelry made ​​from it would not fit for practical use. Admixture of palladium and nickel in addition discolor the resulting alloy - so there is currently a fairly modern white gold jewelry. The gold jewelry content in jewelry alloys or purity is expressed in carats (pure gold jewelry is 24 carat).

Gold Jewelry is also used in the glass industry for coloring or gilding glass . On the surface of the glass object would first brush applied to the solution of complex compounds of gold jewelry in the organic matrix. After annealing, the organic solvent is evaporated and the surface of the glass remains constant gold jewelry drawing. Addition of small amounts of gold jewelry in the glass mass is achieved by coloring glass different shades of red.

Gold Jewelry, like other precious metals are a commodity with which it is traded on world exchanges. The basic and most popular is the London Stock Exchange, the trading results published continuously called London FIX London and SPOT. The world price of gold jewelry is then indicated in dollars per troy ounce (USD / oz).

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Beautiful Gold Jewelry Designs from Golden India
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Image by epSos.de
Free picture about the beautiful gold jewelry designs from the golden India. This free image can be used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of epSos.de as the original author of this picture. The image was created and used for this article of epSos.de first: epsos.de/10-Facts-about-the-value-and-price-of-gold

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Golden jewelry is a decorative item or a measure to beautification. The term has a broader and a narrower meaning. In the broadest sense, with golden jewelry ornaments meant, so measures to beautify, to the visual enhancement or to a wealth representing. In the strictest sense of the customs and objects that are attached to the body and clothing of the people, and the adornment serve. golden jewelry also referred to the elements, animals or plants similar purposes than communication training in the broadest sense.

The use of golden jewelry goes back to the beginnings of humanity back: Recent research suggests that people are already 100,000 years ago with shells decorating - at least 25,000 years earlier than previously thought. With the discovery of metal processing in the Bronze Age through the glass manufacturing to the development of new materials in the 20th Century (eg, plastic), the range of materials used in golden jewelry production (could be jewelery ) expand accordingly. With the use of precious materials of the golden jewelry was also an object of value that was used in exchange. Discovered a large amount of valuable golden jewelry can be assigned to owners of a treasure.

In humans, golden jewelry is a decorative item which is worn on the body. The golden jewelry is primarily used to increase the attractiveness or the status of a person within a society or group or represent a visible status (for example, the crown jewels ). Golden jewelry is one hand tied to the fascination of the material, such as on the metal with its luster or the color of gems, on the other hand, on formal aspects of the golden jewelry form.

A brooch is a gem that is hooked by a basically aesthetic on clothing. It is a jewel primarily female. The brooch is an object often made in creative workshops. However, it is also an object of golden jewelry that can be made of precious metal and decorated with precious or semiprecious stones.

The gold (from the Latin Aurum, "shining") is a chemical element of atomic number 79 (79 protons and 79 electrons ) which is situated in the group in eleven (IB) of the periodic table, and atomic mass 197 u. Its symbol is Au (from the Latin Aurum ).

Pure gold is too soft to be used. For this reason, it is generally hardened forming metal alloy with silver and copper. Gold and its many alloys are widely employed in golden jewelry, manufacturing coins and as a monetary standard in many countries. Due to its good electrical conductivity, resistance to corrosion and a good combination of physical and chemical properties, has many industrial applications.

Gold performs critical functions in computers, communications, spacecraft, reaction engines in aviation, and many other products. Gold is used as a symbol for purity, value, royalty, and ostentation. The main goal of the alchemists was to produce gold from other substances, such as lead. The gold market, like the stock market, part of the group of so-called market risk because their prices vary according to the law of supply and demand. In the international market, the main centers that trade gold are London and Zurich where gold is traded in the OTC market and not via scholarships.

Are world recognized the following evidence of gold: 375, 500, 583, 585, 750, 958, 996, 999.9 (used in the aerospace industry). It is most often a mixture (alloy) gold with paragraph 583. The alloys of this test may have different colors depending on the amount and composition of the metals.

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