
1936 Passover Maxwell House Haggadah ...item 2.. Kick-Starting Passover (March 10, 2013 / 28 Adar 5773) ...item 3.. Aish.com's new Passover video -- UN condemns Hebrew slave violence (Published: March 14, 2013) ...

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1936 Passover Maxwell House Haggadah ...item 2.. Kick-Starting Passover (March 10, 2013 / 28 Adar 5773) ...item 3.. Aish.com's new Passover video -- UN condemns Hebrew slave violence (Published: March 14, 2013) ...
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Image by marsmet547
This week begins the Hebrew month of Nissan, the month that is best known by its holiday of freedom – the holiday of Passover. Let’s embrace the opportunity at this time by taking upon ourselves one thing to “pass over” this month – to free ourselves from one negative habit or to take upon ourselves one positive habit.

Whether it’s quitting smoking, foregoing junk food, not hitting the snooze button, or speaking to people with a quiet tone, getting in a daily workout, designating a set time for spiritual development, let’s make one move to take conscious control of our lives and take a step closer to being the person we want to be.

........*****All images are copyrighted by their respective authors .........

... message header for 1936 Passover Maxwell House Haggadah

This image courtesy of General Foods Corporation shows an inside page from a 1936 Maxwell House Haggadah. The coffee maker's version of the Seder guide has been offered free at supermarkets with a Maxwell House purchase since the early 1930s. (AP Photo/General Foods Corporation) NO SALES

.....item 1).... Ad Aged ...

George Tannenbaum on the future of advertising, the decline of the English Language and other frivolities. 100% jargon free. A Business Insider "Most Influential" blog.

img code photo ... The Original Passover Coffee



SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2011

Oy, branded content.

adaged.blogspot.com/2011/04/oy-branded-content.html ...

If you grew up in New York and you grew up Jewish, whether you knew it or not, you grew up with branded content. I'm talking specifically of the Passover Haggadah published and distributed since 1932 by Maxwell House coffee--with the exception of two years during World War II when paper was rationed. In 1923, Maxwell House was the first coffee to be certified Kosher and regards its distribution of Haggadah's (it's given away over 50 million--an average of more than four each to every Jew now on Earth) to be the longest-running promotion in advertising history.

At one time, every Jewish household--and when I was growing up Jews comprised about 25% of New York's population--had a dozen or so of the prayer books. And each of those gratis prayer books had a few pages of ads for Maxwell House coffee. This was no unholy alliance, nor was it a marriage of convenience. It was a service provided by the Maxwell House people and I'm sure it did more than a little to boost Maxwell House's sales in New York in its environs.

Before coffee went upscale, before there were Starbuck's on every corner, coffee was sold pre-ground in tins you picked up at the supermarket. There were literally dozens of brands, like Savarin, Chock Full o' Nuts, President's and the Haggadah gave Maxwell House a leg up.

Yesterday there was an article in the "Times" about the Maxwell House Haggadah, how it's being made over (the English translation, not the Biblical Hebrew) to modernize the language. God is no long "king." God is now a "monarch." And so on. You can read the Times' account here: www.nytimes.com/2011/04/09/nyregion/09haggadah.html?scp=1...

I read the Times' article. I went to the Maxwell House website and though Maxwell House is now owned by a huge multi-national corporation and there's little chance that I'll actually buy any Maxwell House, I requested half a dozen of the Haggadahs. I'll let you know if they arrive.
.....item 2).... Kick-Starting Passover ... aish.com ... www.aish.com/sp/pg

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img code photo ... Kick-Starting Passover



For the next 30 days, break a negative habit.

March 10, 2013 / 28 Adar 5773
by Rabbi Eliyahu Yaakov


With Purim in the rearview mirror and Passover only two weeks away, many Jewish homes are focused on cleaning, preparations, and all that comes with it. While engrossed in the routines of the time, let’s not lose track of the special opportunities this time has to offer.

The underlying theme of Passover is freedom. In order to kick-start collective Jewish peoplehood, freedom was a prerequisite. So during this time, it is imperative that we zero in on the freedoms in our lives – or lacks thereof – in order to reach within ourselves and “kick-start” our lives into high gear.

How do we do this practically? How do we actually make the move to personal freedom?


According to Jewish wisdom, an old habit is broken and a new habit is formed when a person makes a change for 30 consecutive days. If an individual commits to doing something different and then follows up on it one day at a time for 30 days, he will have freed himself from the grasp of the past and established a real path to a new future.

Freedom is not just doing whatever I feel like, not letting anything get in my way. That’s living like an unbridled animal. After seventy years of living like that, what strength of character have I exhibited in the world? Where have I truly stepped up to the plate and applied myself? Where is the assertion of the “I”?

The true self has been enslaved by his baser desires.

On the other hand, the Sages teach: “Who is the strong person? The one who conquers his inclinations” (Ethics of the Fathers, 4:1). True freedom comes from rising above your lower self, making the hard-earned choice to live according to the dictates of your soul. Building your inner strength of character and making genuine choice to do good is the truest model of freedom.

This week begins the Hebrew month of Nissan, the month that is best known by its holiday of freedom – the holiday of Passover. Let’s embrace the opportunity at this time by taking upon ourselves one thing to “pass over” this month – to free ourselves from one negative habit or to take upon ourselves one positive habit. Whether it’s quitting smoking, foregoing junk food, not hitting the snooze button, or speaking to people with a quiet tone, getting in a daily workout, designating a set time for spiritual development, let’s make one move to take conscious control of our lives and take a step closer to being the person we want to be.

If we can zero in on just one thing and follow up on it uncompromisingly for the next 30 days, we will be different people in a month from now. I invite readers to leave a comment below with what s/he is taking on, and to revisit this article to share how it’s going. When we do this together, we feel we are not in it alone and we build a support group of sorts.

May we be blessed to encourage each other and to celebrate together “Pass-Over”!

Rabbi Eliyahu Yaakov’s new book “The Case for Judaism” was released today and can be previewed and purchased on Amazon here.
.....item 3).... Passover: Breaking News ... March 14, 2013 / 3 Nisan 5773

If today’s media told the Passover story. Aish.com's new Passover video. ...

by aish.com ... www.aish.com/h/pes/mm ...

Published: March 14, 2013


video 2:07 minutes ...

Created and Written by Aish.com
Directed by Shoot East

Music Written and Arranged by David Solid Gould
Song: Who Knows One, Album: Feast of the Passover performed by the Temple Rockers


Caring for the caribou in advance of their coming out of sedation [Video]
video of animals
Image by BC Gov Photos
Crew bury the caribou in snow to help cool them off while they recover from sedation.
Read more

Prism Video 096
video of animals
Image by Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue
Prism was found as a shy and horribly emaciated stray. With plenty of good food and lots of TLC, she gained weight and quickly learned confidence in herself. As the weeks passed and she grew stronger, she became very energetic and playful. Here at the shelter, she enjoys going outdoors in the afternoons and sleeping on top of the big kennel in front of the window when it‘s time to come in for the night. Prism has been with us since around June 17th, 2008. Because she was a stray, we do not know for sure how she would do with dogs, but given time and appropriate introductions, we think she would do well. She seems to do well with the children who visit her at the shelter and like to chase the toys they bring.
