
Creature of the Day

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Some cool pictures of animals images:

Creature of the Day
pictures of animals
Image by EpochCatcher
Green sea turtles are very common throughout the Great Barrier Reef. Most of the time, you will see them gliding effortlessly through the water column or searching for food among the coral, but sometimes, you will see them sleeping in a sheltered area on the seafloor (especially at night). They do not mind the presence of divers or snorkelers, but as I have said before, you should not touch them because they are an endangered species. View image on my site: bit.ly/14iFMSD My website: bit.ly/VIb9Ev Facebook: on.fb.me/13IOQ1G Twitter: bit.ly/VIb9Ex Tumblr: bit.ly/13IOSXc Pinterest: bit.ly/VIb9Ez YouTube: bit.ly/13IOQ1I

Creature of the Day
pictures of animals
Image by EpochCatcher
Remember Nigel, the pelican from "Finding Nemo"? Well, this is him in real life. The Australian pelican is one of eight species of pelicans in the world and can be found all over Australia, New Guinea, Fiji, and parts of Indonesia. They have the longest recorded bill of any bird in the world, and they use this bill to snatch up unwary fish and fish scraps. View image on my site: bit.ly/11z1gak My website: bit.ly/VIb9Ev Facebook: on.fb.me/13IOQ1G Twitter: bit.ly/VIb9Ex Tumblr: bit.ly/13IOSXc Pinterest: bit.ly/VIb9Ez YouTube: bit.ly/13IOQ1I

Creature of the Day
pictures of animals
Image by EpochCatcher
Australian magpies are a common sight across the country, especially in the cities. They are highly territorial, particularly when nesting, and are known to divebomb bikers. My website: bit.ly/VIb9Ev Facebook: on.fb.me/13IOQ1G Twitter: bit.ly/VIb9Ex Tumblr: bit.ly/13IOSXc Pinterest: bit.ly/VIb9Ez YouTube: bit.ly/13IOQ1I
