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Check out these extinct animals images:

extinct animals
Image by Nita J Y
The Kōkako is an endangered native bird of New Zealand. This is a North Island Kōkako; the South Island Kōkako is now extinct. According to Wikipedia:
The Kōkakohas a beautiful, clear, organ-like song.
Its call can carry for kilometres. Breeding pairs sing together in a bell-like duet for up to an hour in the early morning.
The Kōkako is a poor flier and seldom flies more than 100 metres. The wings of this species are relatively short and rounded. It prefers to hop and leap from branch to branch on its powerful grey legs.
Its ecological niche is frequently compared to that of a flying squirrel."
This shot was taken at Hamilton Zoo, inside the large free flight aviary.

Llamas At Deen City Farm, Merton, London.
extinct animals
Image by Jim Linwood
Llamas originated from the central plains of North America about 40 million years ago. They migrated to South America and Asia about 3 million years ago. By the end of the last ice-age (10,000 - 12,000 years ago) camelids were extinct in North America.As of 2007, there were over 7 million llamas and alpacas in South America and due to importation from South America in the late 20th century there are now over 100,000 llamas and 6,500 - 7,000 alpacas in the US and Canada.
