
Cool Animals That Are Extinct images

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A few nice animals that are extinct images I found:

Cachorro de león / Lion cub
animals that are extinct
Image by NLM - FOTOS
El Zoo Aquarium de Madrid clasifica sus leones como leones del atlas, una subespecie de león que se encuentra extinta en libertad. Un centenar de ejemplares sobreviven en cautividad (unos cuarenta en Europa), aunque se sospecha que la mayoría son en realidad mestizos.

In english
The Zoo Aquarium of Madrid classifies its lions as Atlas Lions (Barbary lion, nubian lion or panthera leo leo) which is a subspecies of lion that has become extinct in the wild.

A hundred of specimens survive in captivity (around forty in european zoos), althought is suspected that most of them are really crossbreed.
