
Animal Abuse

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Some cool animal abuse images:

Animal Abuse
animal abuse
Image by Hot Grill
Only the plastic bag was laughing.

animal abuse
Image by Creative illusions-Nature Photography-Kellie H
Beautiful Tigers in zoo that has very poor living conditions. This photo was taken to help raise awareness of zoos that are more like prisons taking away the animals freedom to live in its natural environment in the freedom its suppose to.

They plant, grass, flower beds, trees and gardens in disease causing cities however, they ignore the dry dirt like pens animals are forced to live in in these many zoos. No natural flow of water replaced with small dirty water bowls attached to a wire fencing.

Taking life out of its natural environment to stuff it into a boxed shaped or closed in with wire environment is like expecting animals to live in LIE. This is invasive behaviour for human beings to do this and accept this as normal.

This interfers with EVOLUTION itself and the will of life in confinment to live free and in freedom as it should.

My trip into nature took me into a world where no life should be or live and now Im sharing this experience in this way so human beings can stop accepting zoos as the animals wonderful replacement to the wonderful world they already had.

Sign Petition with Change.org to free animals from prison zoos and prison aquariums

Kellie Hastings
phylosopher of truth, freedom and Love