
Cool All About Animals images

Large Rectangle

A few nice all about animals images I found:

Better Things To Worry About 2
all about animals
Image by Kimheise
Second paining in a series of at least five pieces. (three more planned) The birds are blue and red again, and this time I went with a different type of composition, lots of negative space and quite a bit more depth than the last one. I also went with a more formal approach, the pallet knife marks become just as important as the animals and the formal elements of the piece are on the same level as the concept, perhaps even more important. I really did not mean for the formal elements to take over (just something to remember for the next one)
Once again, the blue and red birds symbolize our American two-party system. I added an American flag in the area where an artist signature should go (added digitally, I might sew an actual mini flag on the painting itself...or something like that) literally to say "this was created by America". Sounds really postmodern, right? I know, I disgust myself. Although in all honestly no anger or spite was meant by placing that there (that would defeat the purpose of the painting to do anything regarding this out of anger or spite). I put it there for the added context. Now the political aspect cannot be separated, whereas with the other one the message was much more general and the political statement was very much "take it or leave it". I hope the message is still also about anger and polarization in general.
