
Tagged/Eight things about me

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Tagged/Eight things about me
facts about animals
Image by monojussi
I was tagged by Monica. Thanks, I think!

The rules are: you tell 8 facts/quirks/habits about yourself and tag 8 people you'd like to do the same.

Counterclockwise from top left:

1. Every summer I try to grow a beard. I never succeed as the growth is never thick and even enough. Hormones...
2. When I was a kid, we spent a long time every summer at our cottage. Some years, my main hobby was throwing darts (the Finnish variant). I would spend several ours a day doing this and got to be pretty good. The best summer I must have averaged 45 points (out of 50) per round and would probably have done well in competitions.
3. I like reflections.
4. I like wearing boots.
5. I like very much picking berries (mainly raspberries, blueberries and cloudberries) and mushrooms (morels, chantarelles, and ceps)
6. I am a licensed mahout (elephant driver). Elephants are my favourite animals.
7. New York City is my favourite city in the whole world. I never get bored of that place.
8. I was an only child (my parents must have seen early that I was trouble enough by myself). Since our family moved a lot, I never had many friends and learned to entertain myself alone at an early age.

the world ... FSU News - Coverage of rape evidence a problem -- Poppy Harlow waxed on (6:46 PM, Mar. 20, 2013) ...item 2a / 2b.. Anonymous 2013 Steubenville Rape Case -- What if this was your daughter? (Published on Jan 6, 2013) ...
facts about animals
Image by marsmet491
Crowley (Candy Crowley) later stressed the youth and emotional vulnerability of Mays and Richmond when she asked a legal expert to elaborate on their future now that they had been convicted. As a network, CNN also played footage of the tearful apologies both boys offered in court, and general correspondent Poppy Harlow waxed on about how difficult it was for her “[…] to watch what happened as these two young men that had such promising futures […] literally watched as they believed their lives fell apart.”

........*****All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ........

... marsmet523 photo ...

STEUBENVILLE - "I made it as a joke," Pizzoferrato testified. " (MARCH 17, 2013) ...item 2.. Steubenville rape case: -- victim had been urinated upon (SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2013, 5:29 PM) ..

... marsmet532 photo ...

Guerrilla Marketing ... Letters to the editor (Apr 1, 2013) ...item 2.. Former Shelter director Mel Eby felt forced into retirment -- Eby, however, feels like a castaway. (Mar 30, 2013) ...

.....item 1).... Coverage of rape evidence a problem ...

... FSU News ... www.fsunews.com ...

Public sympathy for rapists in Steubenville is insensitive and disturbing

6:46 PM, Mar. 20, 2013 |

FSU News
FSU News Adrian Chamberlin


As someone who followed the Steubenville rape case, I am disgusted with the way it was covered in the news. I hope any reader who followed the case is also disgusted, because it featured a sickening manipulation of the public’s perception of the two teens who were ultimately convicted of raping an underage girl.

Some background information is necessary here. The case itself deals with a 16-year-old girl who was violated by two other teens while unconscious. Trent Mays, 17, and Ma’lik Richmond, 16, were ultimately found guilty of attacking and violating the girl. Mays was also found guilty of distributing pictures and videos of the assault that took place that night in August 2012. Additionally, the two teens allowed friends like Michael Nodianos to take their own photos and videos of the vulnerable girl after they had raped her using their fingers.

The teens were tried as juveniles and ultimately convicted, with Richmond sentenced to serve at least one year, while Mays, the primary distributor of the photographs and video, was sentenced to serve at least two years in the state juvenile system. Both could remain incarcerated until they are 21.

In spite of all the information provided, there are key elements missing from much of the reporting. For example, when pronouncing the sentence of the two teens, the judge pointed out they could have been tried as adults, a decision that would likely have yielded more severe punishments. Furthermore, the trial itself did not deal with the looming task of convening a grand jury to determine if others involved in the cover-up and image distribution, like Nodianos, should face criminal charges themselves.

Adding insult to injury is the fact that the victim faced intense public scorn from other Steubenville citizens in the time leading up to the trial. Nate Hubbard, a volunteer coach for the football team at the high school, is one of those skeptics.

“The rape was just an excuse, I think,” Hubbard said to The New York Times.

Hubbard neatly sums up the opinions of many in Steubenville and other cities in the United States who make victims of rape feel like the criminals for finding the courage to speak out against those who violated them.

Unfortunately, the media coverage of Steubenville did little to counter those who further shamed an already embarrassed girl. Candy Crowley, when reporting the two teens had officially been convicted, referred to the accused as star football players.

Crowley later stressed the youth and emotional vulnerability of Mays and Richmond when she asked a legal expert to elaborate on their future now that they had been convicted. As a network, CNN also played footage of the tearful apologies both boys offered in court, and general correspondent Poppy Harlow waxed on about how difficult it was for her “[…] to watch what happened as these two young men that had such promising futures […] literally watched as they believed their lives fell apart.”

I acknowledge the emotional nature of the trial and the testimony, but for CNN and other networks to manipulate the coverage so and to be so blatantly in the corner of the rapists is stunning. After all, these are two boys who unabashedly took advantage of a helpless girl and followed that atrocious act up by letting their friends get in on the action of distributing video and pictures of the crime. Richmond and Mays knew exactly what they were doing and expressed no remorse until it was too late to do more than generate public sympathy for them.

The events in Steubenville are not about two star football players whose bright futures were tragically cut short by some mistake; they are about a girl who made a mistake in partying too hard and who was then exploited, raped and publicly humiliated, all before she knew it had even happened. My sympathies go out to the victim, and my thanks go to the judge who correctly explained the truth of the matter to the two criminals.
.....item 2a).... youtube video ... Anonymous 2013 Steubenville Rape Case ... 3:15 minutes



Published on Jan 6, 2013

Citizens of the world,
We are anonymous.

Recently some of you may of heard about a cover up, involving rape.

In Steubenville, Ohio, the 16-year old girl was at her girlfriend's house. Where these two animals drugged her, kidnapped her, and proceeded to transport her comatose body to party after party, raping her both vaginally, and anally as entertainment for the other party goers. They are just two members of the infamous "Rape Crew", as they call themselves. A bunch of spoiled football players who drug and rape girls in the community. All the while this girl was being victimized, other guys were filming and tweeting pics to their friends. When the coach found out about the incident, he told his players to immediately destroy any documentation of their phones. He is best friends with the Sheriff who opted not to investigate, even though he has jurisdiction. When the girl's parents went to the Prosecuting Attorney, she told them they didn't really have a case, and it was just going to be too painful for their daughter to take it to trial. The Prosecuting Attorney's son is one of the football players in the "Rape Crew". It goes on and on and on.

The 2 guys are being charged as minors. Rape is an adult crime.
Therefore, they should be charged as adults.

Cody Saltsman was originally charged in the gang rape. After a private back-room meeting at Naples Pasta House restaurant in Steubenville, between Saltsman's father, the Sheriff, and a certain Mr. Teramana (a wealthy Steubenville resident) -- Cody Saltsman's charges were mysteriously dismissed. Saltsman is a former boyfriend of the victim of this attack, and it appears there is quite a bit of bad blood between them, adding a layer of vengeance, and viciousness that may explain the raw brutality of the attack upon this girl.

Any schools that are scheduled to play them next season should refuse to take the field, even if it means they have to forfeit the games. Send them a message.

Everyone in that community should boycott their games. If you're going to go, at least protest.

AS many of you already know, anonymous, leaked a video of Michael Nodianos.
Him and his sick friends we're joking about the rape.
The sheriff said "It's a disgusting video," he said. "It's stupidity. But you can't arrest somebody for being stupid." Well, Sheriff, they weren't laughing about just anything. It was obvious they witnessed something. Once again, he's protecting these animals.

Michael Nodiano, is 18 years old, and is currently a student at Ohio State University. As the video shows all too graphically, this young man is a sociopath. And needs to be in prison not living it up on a scholarship at college.

So citizens of the world, I ask you, to share this video, and story with everyone you know. Get as much people as you can involved. Eventually, the F.B.I will get involved, if we try hard enough.

What if this was your daughter? Would you just sit here and do nothing? No you wouldn't. So go out there, and act like it's your daughter.

Let's fight for what's right.

We are anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us!

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Top Comments

nussiharryproduction 2 days ago

I'm glad someone has the balls to say something. Sadly, stuff like this happens all over our country, but in this case, people were stupid enough to share it. In my school, they do everything to protect the student athletes. The town needs to fire everyone who tried to cover it up including the coach. Just like Penn State, they were more concerned about winning than actually protecting people

Trisha K 2 months ago
Part 2:

CODY SALTSMAN- known as 'the ex-boyfriend who stood by”. He was the one who uploaded the pictures on instagram and was the one who planned everything. He asked this nigga Malik Richmond to give him a favor by raping his ex-girlfriend, while he videotaped them.

MICHAEL NODIANOS- the kid on the video who's laughing and making fun about the rape.
The 16 year-old victim is a white Latina. Just so you all know, they had also raped a 14 year-old girl in April and no one has been charged.

Debbie Wimsatt 2 months ago

OMG I'm sick to my stomach after watching all this. THANK YOU for exposing these sick FUC**** monsters. If they did this to my daughter I would KILL them. Don't stop what your doing ever. WE can all make a difference.. I will SHARE EVERYWHERE

Darryl Legion 2 months ago

ENOUGH OF THIS CASE!!! People, if you are as outraged as we are, by all means share this story any way you can. Facebook this. Email the case around. You can not be silent about this corruption. An entire town government has allowed a girl to be drugged, gangraped, and dumped like a piece of trash and they want it to be kept quiet to protect the attackers!!! People if this fills you with rage as it does we, if it fills you with anger as it should... spread the word. This corruption must end!

zman7362 2 months ago

Hell i live around steubinville. Its a crappy little town. Its happened before. The only difference is tht there was no anonymous to show it

demonslair66 2 months ago

I dont know what to say..im lost for words that such a crme was commited by these student athetes. living in liverpool was always a big fan of Stuebenville's Big Red football team..the to find out about this tremendous crime, im heartbroken that what thought was an awesome group of young men who took their game seriously! how oddly tables turn!

jolynn26059 2 months ago

Makes me sick. Im a mom of a 12 year girl. If they didn't get put away. They wouldn't live to play they're stupid football. Its high school football. Who give a crap lock them, before they "get away with it again"

Scourgefan19 2 months ago

I live about 30 minutes away from Steubenville, OH in a small town called New Cumberland, WV and I am sadly admitting that if it wouldn't have been for Anonymous taking on this case and demanding these sick, twisted animals be brought to justice...well, I probably would have never known about this case. I feel for that girl. Those monsters and all of their friends destroyed her life...I believe that their lives should be destroyed as well.
.....item 2b).... youtube video ...

Hacker Group Anonymous Leaks Chilling Video in Case of Alleged Steubenville Rape, Cover-Up ...

... 17:57 minutes ...



Published on Jan 7, 2013

DemocracyNow.org - We turn to Steubenville, Ohio, where members of a high school football team allegedly raped an underage girl and possibly urinated on her unconscious body over the course of an evening of partying in late August. The young men chronicled their actions on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. But after many in the town of Steubenville, including the high school football coach, rallied to the players' defense, the hacker group "Anonymous" vowed to release the accused players' personal information unless an apology was made. Anonymous has since released a video showing a male Steubenville high schooler joking about the alleged victim. We're joined by three guests: Monika Johnson Hostler, president of the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence; Kristen Gwynne, an associate editor at Alternet; and "X", a member of the hacktivist group Anonymous using a pseudonym.

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Red Squirrel
facts about animals
Image by Travis S.
About half way home from the traps we came across this squirrel.
This one is about half the size of the Arctic Ground Squirrel which we were used to seeing in this area.
This one was also unusual in the fact that he stuck around to see what we were doing.
Every other squirrel we had ever seen up to this point would run for shelter after spotting us.

We actually grew bored of the squirrel before it grew bored of us.
