
Nice Names For Animals photos

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Some cool names for animals images:

Z is for Zebra
names for animals
Image by Benson Kua
Zebra grazing at the Toronto Zoo

I had this idea of taking pictures of animals whose names started with each letter of the alphabet. I started backwards and began with the letter "Z." Then I went on to "Y" then I realized that I don't know any animals that started with "Y." I kinda gave up after that... lol

Spot the Chipmunk
names for animals
Image by amythyst_lake
Funny name for a chipmunk, I know... Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

1999ish - Chris M, Samhain, Clint
names for animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
I barely recognize the computer there... but I believe that is Hades (1995ish-2000ish, and I reused the name for my 2007 computer). I think it's a Pentium-75. As in, Pentium 1 75mHz. I think the hub on top of it -- is so that all 3 computers can share *dialup*. Hades did the dialing. And it was Windows 98. It would crash. This was back when we used ICQ to IM all our friends. Before the IM market got flooded with so many different programs that it became a royal pain in the ass until Trillian came out.

Chris, Clint.
Fresca can, Samhain the cat, computer, light, monitor, speaker.

downstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.


... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
... Read Carolyn's blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com
