
Nice Endangered Animal Species photos

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Some cool endangered animal species images:

North Cascades Grizzly Bear Sighting
endangered animal species
Image by North Cascades National Park
Joe Sebille was hiking in October of 2010 when he encountered the bear feeding on a steep slope in the Upper Cascade River watershed. He watched the animal for a while, then snapped some pictures and left the area. Sebille knew the bear didn’t look like the black bears he had seen but didn’t realize he had seen a grizzly bear or that the sighting was unusual until he began discussing the encounter with friends and sharing his photographs.

In May 2011, Sebille contacted the North Cascades National Park to share his story and the photographs. NPS bear biologist Anne Braaten realized their significance and contacted Sebille for more information. Braaten, who is part of the North Cascades Grizzly Bear Subcommittee of the Inter-Agency Grizzly Bear Committee, shared Sebille’s account and photographs with her peers in the group, who also believed the bear to be a grizzly. That group passed the information on to Dr. Chris Servheen, the USFWS Grizzly Bear Recovery Coordinator, who sent the photo to a group of grizzly bear experts to review. That group unanimously confirmed the animal in the photo as a grizzly bear.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Joe Sebille
